Sunday, September 15, 2013

Changes, Part II

Happy Sunday, everyone!

My last post focused on the big changes of my life -- changes that have, in turn, changed almost every little detail. (It's always been fascinating to me how one change in life can affect so many other things. If the balance of life can be so drastically shifted by things we would consider insignificant, how much more the direction of life as a whole can be changed. The events of a single day, a single hour, a single moment can affect every day of the rest of a life.) But many of you have texted/e-mailed/messaged me asking for more about the details. So for this post, I'll try to catch you up on the things that have made up my life over the last few weeks.

Of course, PCC (Pensacola Christian College) is different from Hyles-Anderson. Please don't ask me which one I "like better"; there's really no way to compare. And I'm trying to make my life more about what God wants and less about my personal likes and dislikes anyway. :)

A lot of people have wondered if the rules are different. Actually, they are almost identical, much closer than I expected. I was SO impressed by something the president of PCC said in chapel last week: he said that the administration realizes that all of the students come from unique backgrounds, but that all staff and students have chosen to abide by the same rules while on campus. I really appreciate the attitude of care, humility, and helpfulness that so many of the staff have exhibited.

The food at PCC is fantastic! I can choose to eat in Four Winds or the Varsity; Four Winds is "home-style" food while the Varsity serves chicken fingers, pizza, or deli sandwiches. Both have ice cream machines, which I have enjoyed already. There is also an ice cream vending machine a few floors beneath my dorm room, but I have been able to resist temptation on that front so far.

The campus is so clean and beautiful. I've already found myself sitting under a palm tree while waiting for a meeting to start. (Follow me on instagram @saraplayspianotoo for the pic and more of my college life!) I have gotten lost on campus a few times - it's much bigger than I'm used to! 

The bell tower at the center of campus has already become a huge part of my life. It sounds every 15 minutes from 7 in the morning until 11 in the evening. I was almost late to class one morning last week because it didn't go off and I lost track of time without the reminder! There's a bell for everything at PCC - it can get a little annoying, but I do appreciate everything being so punctual.

I'm very happy with my dorm and my roommates. I've been so blessed to have good roommates all through college. I live on the eighth floor of Bradley Tower, and I try to take the stairs rather than the elevator at least once a day. There are piano practice rooms on the ground floor, and I spend so much time there that sometimes I feel that it might save time to just move my mattress down. 

I've been working really hard on assignments, and I have two classes that require me to practice daily (piano and voice), so I've been busy! I have very limited internet access at the college, so I apologize to anyone who has been trying to reach me. I'll continue to blog as much as I can!

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