Sunday, August 28, 2011

List of Lasts

So many "last times" this week! 

Monday: Last piano lesson with Miss Jan
Wednesday: Last church growth group, last time at Steak 'n Shake with my daddy, last practice with our church trio
Thursday: Last time babysitting
Friday: Last family night
Saturday: Last teen soulwinning time
Today: Last services at church, last time to see church friends.

However, there are two pieces of good news!  First, these aren't really "the last time," they're really just "the last time for a while."  Second, if this was the week of last times, then next week will be the week of first times!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Hi! This is my first-ever blog post.  I decided to blog because I wanted to keep my friends informed about my college life.  Facebook won't let me post long enough statuses, and most of my friends there either (1). don't care about what the dining hall served today or (2). experienced it themselves.

To get everybody up to speed, I'm going to Hyles-Anderson College in Crown Point, Indiana.  I'll be leaving early in the morning on Tuesday, August 30th.  I got some exciting news a while ago: I don't have to take the freshman English course.  I get to skip to Sophomore English because of my ACT score. 

Well, that's all for now, but I'll update as often as I possibly can.  Have a great day.  :-)