So we all know that life changes, especially when one is 20. Change seems to have been my life for the last year. Sometimes, I feel like my whole world has changed - melodramatic, I know, but it's how I feel. That's a lot of why I didn't post for so long - just when I would decide to post, another thing would change. My "college adventures" have become much bigger adventures than I ever could have imagined.
To jump right in, the biggest and most recent change is a change in location! I'm now attending Pensacola Christian College in Pensacola, Florida. And "home" isn't Cahokia, Illinois anymore. My "home" is - technically - the house next door to my grandfather's house in Mobile, Alabama, though I've only been in the house once. My family moved to Mobile in early August, but they weren't able to move in to the house until after I left for college. I'm very excited about going home next weekend to see the new house!
Doesn't that kind of remind you of a Christian's home in Heaven? Heaven is already our home; it is paid for and furnished for us, and inhabited by those that we love. However, we haven't seen it yet, and we are not yet able to live there.
One thing that hasn't changed is my major. I'm studying the same thing, just said a bit differently. Since I'm still meeting new people, I am asked what my major is every single day. If I were to give the full answer, it would be quite a mouthful: "Mathematics Education, second teaching field of Music, keyboard emphasis." Usually, I just say "Math Ed."
Everyone seems to want to know why I transferred - to make a long story short, PCC is accredited and it's closer to my family's new location. I know that I want to teach; I believe that it is God's will for me to teach one day. My goal right now is to have a degree that will prepare me for wherever He sends me.
I want to get back to posting regularly, so I'll leave some things to talk about the next time. Right now, I want to close with the statement that God has been very good to me. He is the Constant in any change, the one Friend who has never forsaken me, my Rock when I stand on shifting sand. And I believe that with Him, I have no reason to fear the future. He has never left me, and He will be with me in whatever adventure comes next.
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