Monday, November 28, 2011


I had so much to be thankful for this Thanksgiving!  I was able to be at home from Tuesday night to this morning.  I ate, watched football, ate, shopped, ate and slept in.

Settling in back here for 10 days, most of which will be spent doing final exams.  After that, on Friday the 9th, I'll be home for Christmas!  And not just in my dreams either.

I'll let y'all have my finals schedule so you'll know when to pray!
      The Book of Proverbs I Wednesday, November 30 8:00 AM
      Sophomore English Wednesday, November 30 10:00 AM 
      The Life of Christ Wednesday, November 30 12:10 PM 
      Christian Womanhood I Thursday, December 10 8:00 AM
      Old Testament Survey Thursday, December 10 9:00 AM 
      Essentials Subjects, December 5 10:00 AM 
      Personal Finance Tuesday, December 6 8:00 AM
      Personal Evangelism Tuesday, December 6 9:00 AM
      Practical MinistryWednesday, December 7 8:00 AM
      The Book of Genesis Wednesday, December 7 12:10 PM

Saturday, November 12, 2011

An Incredible Day of Blessings

Today, God blessed me in so many ways!

After meetings at the college, we headed out to the bus route.  We went to visit Luis, who Kim (my soul winning partner) and I met several weeks ago.  He had a lot of questions about why God allows bad things to happen to good people.  I promised to ask a Bible teacher his question.  We tried for several weeks to talk to him at his house, but he wasn't home.  Finally today, we saw him and spent some time giving him the answers Bro. Tefft gave me.  I said, "Luis, I know you have a lot of questions about God still, but would you be willing to trust Jesus for your salvation?" and he said,  "Yes."

Through the rest of the day, I saw five more people saved in addition to Luis.  The sunset was a beautiful pink color, which is one of my favorite things to see.  When I got back to the dorm, I went into the ironing room and there was a pair of brown shoes in my size with a note that said "Free!"  Alabama is winning.  I have a music practice in a while with some of my friends.

This was the most incredible day!

Sunday, October 30, 2011

The Big Surprise

Well, there's a reason I haven't posted in a while.  I had a big secret to keep, and I was afraid of giving it away accidentally!  Today (October 30th, because this probably won't be posted until tomorrow), was my parents' tenth anniversary as pastor and pastor's wife at Gateway Baptist Church.  For their anniversary, I was able to come home to surprise my family.

This morning, the church family met for breakfast.  When both of my parents were together, Bro. Ye announced that there was a "present" for them and I walked around the corner.  It was so awesome to see the expressions on their faces!  I got to spend today with the family and they'll be taking me back to college tomorrow.

I have known about this since before I left for college and it was so hard to keep the secret!  For the last few weeks, it has been really hard to talk to my parents on the phone without letting something slip.  This morning, Mom texted me to tell me she missed me. I was standing outside the back door of the YMCA where the church meets at that exact moment!

Today was a good day...and it's back to college tomorrow!  Believe it or not, as short as this little trip was, it was a great little vacation!  Thanksgiving is coming soon.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Well, that was just Spectacular!

This week was great!  FBC Hammond hosted Christian Womanhood Spectacular Wednesday through Friday.  I got to be in most of the sessions; I had a good time and learned a lot.  The theme was "To Love is Paradise," and the lessons focused on God's love for us and the love we should have for others.  

I also had an awesome day today on the world's greatest bus route, 45-5!  We got to talk to a lot of people, and had good visits with people we didn't really plan to visit.  

Well, I went to the "dating lobby" with my laptop to write a paper. That was an hour ago, and I haven't done anything on the paper yet.  But both of my teams, Alabama and the Cardinals, are winning, so I'm happy.

Would somebody do me a huge favor and e-mail me to tell me exactly what you want to hear about my college life? I want to have stuff to write about that you will be interested in, so help me out!  Have a good Sunday tomorrow, everybody. <3

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

I completely lost track of time since the last post! It seems like it's been about a week. Sorry about that.  I do have an excuse -- it's midterm week.  Yes, already.  I've already taken four midterm exams, and I have five more to do between tomorrow and Friday.

Normally on Wednesdays, I would be tutoring at a high school in the area, but the school canceled on us today. About 15 of us go from the college to help out every week, mainly in math and English classes.

I have been asked for a food report, so here it is: The food at the dining hall has been much better than I expected. I don't often go to breakfast because of schedule, but I do go on Wednesdays and Fridays -- the days we have biscuits and gravy and cinnamon rolls.  The Chinese food has been a little scary; the title on the sign the last time was "Chinese Fiesta."  But other than that, it's been good so far.

That's all for now.  Remember, the more followers, the more posts!  I want to know who all reads this so I can ask what you're interested in hearing about.  I can't wait to see most of you at Thanksgiving!

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Back at the college and almost back into the routine of things here.  Class, class, class, chapel, class, lunch, work, sleep.  Friends, study, assignments.

The funeral for my grandaddy went well.  It was exactly what he would have wanted -- the family together, singing and listening to the songs he loved. Pastors from different faiths spoke kindly of each other and worked together -- he never cared about what religious terms a person used; he wanted to know if they loved God. We cried a lot, but we laughed more than we cried. It was a perfect celebration of his life.

I wrote a paragraph on my philosophy of friendship for English 201. I know of someone who might like the first sentence.

Bro. Jack Hyles said, "Friendship is the glue that holds all other relationships together."  If all relationships begin with and are built on friendship, then it is very important that we decide on principles that will govern our friendships.  A friendship should never be lived out lazily or haphazardly, but by principles.  At some point in a friendship, built to last, each friend must make a conscious decision to love. We must commit to love our friends as God loves us, selflessly and without expectation of returned love or favors.  This requires that each of us be a friend to our friends even when they do not behave as a friend to us.  A true friend listens more than he talks, helps more than he is helped, gives more than he receives, and holds an attitude of humility and service towards his friend.  If two people builds a friendship each with the intention of serving the other, petty annoyances will be overlooked and the differences that the two people have will be dealt with kindly, leaving the friendship intact.  In our friendships, our minds should be as much like the mind of Christ as possible, with His love, forgiveness, humility, and servant's heart displayed in every word and action.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Requesting prayer for my family

Please pray for my family today and this week.  My maternal grandfather, Ed Morgan, passed away early this morning.  The funeral will be held in Montgomery, Alabama, but I am not yet sure of the date.

I'll always remember Grandaddy as a funny man.  He loved to joke, and his wit was sharp.  He also loved to cheer for Bama football (ROLL TIDE!) and to play piano.  He was a good man, but more importantly, Jesus was his Saviour.

The Bible tells Christians "...sorrow not, even as others which have no hope." (I Thessalonians 4:13) We'll miss him and mourn our loss here on earth, but how could we want him to be here rather than in Heaven? I believe that he is at this moment enjoying fellowship with God and with his loved ones, all of them perfectly whole in body and in spirit.  I believe that I will see him again one day.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Sorry that I haven't posted in so long!  I'll try to catch you up on the last week.

Last week was exciting and very busy.  I've finally been to each of my classes at least once, and I have all of my long-term assignments and their due dates.  I'll be reading the Old Testament through, reading the Gospels and writing a summary on each chapter, and writing at least two term papers.

Last week, I got to play piano for two of my new friends as they sang in chapel.  We did the song "My Life, Lord, is Yours to Control." That went well, and I'm now practicing a song with a trio.

The food has been pretty good.  Today for lunch we had beef, mashed potatoes, and carrots.  Overall, the food has been much better than I expected.  The challenge is in getting to the dining hall!  It's been especially hard in the mornings, because Jericho students are required to have their devotions from 6:30 am to 7:00 am, and breakfast ends at 7:10.  So to go to breakfast, you have to be ready to walk out the door before devotion time at 6:30.

I miss all of you that are back home, but I love being here.  It's a bit hectic at times, for sure, but I'm so happy to be where I am.  I can't believe that it's been two whole weeks!

Be sure to become a "follower" of the blog --- the more I have, the more responsible I feel to post often!

Monday, September 5, 2011

First weekend on the bus route

On Saturday and Sunday, I visited Division 7, Route 45-9.  We were on L street near Commercial and Ewing (sp?) on the extreme southeast side of Chicago.  Division 7 was reformatted over the summer, so that specific area did not have a bus route before now.

On Saturday morning, everyone first went to the bus meeting.  After that, there was a division meeting, then a  route meeting.  Finally, I got on the bus that was taking all of the ladies to our checkpoint, a McDonalds on Commercial. We visited on the bus route until about 3:30, but it started to rain and hail, so we headed back to the checkpoint.

On Sunday, we left the college at 7:00.  We picked up the people, dropped the teens and some workers off at the teen center,  and went to City Baptist School, which is run by First Baptist Church.  We signed kids in as their buses arrived.  After Sunday School and church, we took a bus to the church, met our teens and other workers, and headed back to the route.  When they were dropped off, we went back to the church, where I fell asleep until church time.  After church, the girls got the rare privilege of riding the night bus, which takes the teenagers who stayed at the church for the sunday night service back home.

Today, classes, chapel, and work was canceled, which is why I had time to write such a long post.  I've had a great day doing nothing much at all. There's a volleyball tournament in a while and a cookout by the lake at 4:30.

Friday, September 2, 2011

I finally got my computer today!  I had to get a lease form, sign it, have it stamped at the business office, have Bro. Ken Schaap or Bro. Fruit sign it, then turn it in at the security office to get my brand-new MacBook.  Of course, all of these offices are spread around the building, one on each floor, and are open at different times, mostly while I'm working.

Speaking of work, I work in the Student Recruitment office.  The last couple of days I've been calling juniors and seniors in high school that might be interested in coming to Hyles-Anderson College and asking them to let me fill out an application for them over the phone.  It's a good job, and I'm glad I got it.

The food has been pretty good so far.  My main problem is getting to the dining hall on time. My room (on Rice 3) is very close and convenient to the chapel, but not close to the dining hall.  Friday is the day we have cinnamon rolls for breakfast, and they were delicious.

Tomorrow, I'll be on a bus route with my friend Beka.  I'll keep you posted. Right now, I'm going to SLEEP!  Good night everybody.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

List of Lasts

So many "last times" this week! 

Monday: Last piano lesson with Miss Jan
Wednesday: Last church growth group, last time at Steak 'n Shake with my daddy, last practice with our church trio
Thursday: Last time babysitting
Friday: Last family night
Saturday: Last teen soulwinning time
Today: Last services at church, last time to see church friends.

However, there are two pieces of good news!  First, these aren't really "the last time," they're really just "the last time for a while."  Second, if this was the week of last times, then next week will be the week of first times!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Hi! This is my first-ever blog post.  I decided to blog because I wanted to keep my friends informed about my college life.  Facebook won't let me post long enough statuses, and most of my friends there either (1). don't care about what the dining hall served today or (2). experienced it themselves.

To get everybody up to speed, I'm going to Hyles-Anderson College in Crown Point, Indiana.  I'll be leaving early in the morning on Tuesday, August 30th.  I got some exciting news a while ago: I don't have to take the freshman English course.  I get to skip to Sophomore English because of my ACT score. 

Well, that's all for now, but I'll update as often as I possibly can.  Have a great day.  :-)